We see how fast you’re blazing through your oils… It’s impressive and kinda concerning, because how many compliments are you collecting daily and main character moments are you living!?
We love this for you and because you’re so dedicated to the cause, we have 3 memberships to suit your healthy addiction…
The 3 month membership:
1 x 10ML unique curated oil
1 x 3.5ML favorite signature oil
Oils, skincare samples and discounts
(3 x 10mls and 3 x 3.5mls in total)
The 5 month membership:
1 x 10ML unique curated oil
1 x 3.5ML favorite signature oil
Skincare gift and discounts
(5 x 10mls and 5 x 3.5mls in total)
The 7 month membership:
1 x 10ML unique curated oil
1 x 3.5ML favorite signature oil
Body and Skincare gift
Special gift and discounts
(7 x 10mls and 7 x 3.5mls in total)
Each package sent to you monthly for the duration of your membership.